Every year Anam Cara hosts a Remembrance Event giving families an opportunity to remember and honour our children in a special way.
At Anam Cara we understand the intense grief, loss and loneliness that every mother and father has to endure after a precious son or daughter has died. We know there are no words that can take away that pain. All we can do is let you know you are not alone.
‘The Dance’ Performed by Aidan and Joyce Murphy for our 2021 Online Remembrance day due to the pandemic restrictions
Remembering today and everyday …
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Book of Remembrance…
Our thoughts are with recently bereaved parents and their families, many who have found themselves isolated and alone on their journey after the death of their precious child. We hope they too will find the strength to carry them through their journey of grief and loss, in time finding their own unique way to cope and survive, knowing their child will always be remembered and carried in their hearts.

Thank you for joining Anam Cara today, your support of our virtual event is very much appreciated.
As part of our November Remembrance Month, Anam Cara hosts additional support evenings for more information on what is happening during November 2023, contact us on info@anamcara.ie or call us on 085 2888 888 or from NI call 028 95213120
Anam Cara is hosting an online Bereavement Information Evening for parents on Wednesday 22nd at 7pm. Our Guest speaker is David Trickey, who specialises in supporting families through trauma and grief.
If you want more information about this event please contact us at info@anamcara.ie or call/text us at 085 2888 888. If you are contacting us from Northern Ireland you can call 028 95213120
At Anam Cara we understand how this time of year can be so hard for bereaved Mams and Dads and hope that through our online and face to face events you will find a little hope to get you through these dark evenings.
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A time for Reflection
8 Minutes of Self Care
Grieving is exhausting, in the early days of our loss it is also all consuming! Even for mothers and fathers further on in their grief, there are times of the year we can become overwhelmed. Self-care is so important, being kind and gentle to ourselves. We commissioned this short meditation for you, it will take about 8 minutes, all you need to do is make yourself comfortable, take a deep breath and just be in the now!