
Anam Cara provides monthly online and face-to-face group meetings throughout the island of Ireland. These are open to all bereaved parents with an emphasis on peer support. We also facilitate additional online bereavement support evenings with featured guests speakers who give an insightful talk about parental grief. If you are recently bereaved, these provide a gentle introduction to our services and we really hope you will consider attending one of our events in the future.  Anam Cara can be contacted and our resources viewed or downloaded from our website.

Our Face to Face and Online groups meet monthly between September and June each year.

Please get in touch and know you are not alone at info@anamcara.ie or call/text 085 2888 888

Conversations in Grief is a podcast series from Anam Cara, where we hear from parents as they share their own unique stories of their children, and their journey through grief. We know the power of hearing the stories of other parents, and how this can help us in navigating our own grief.

We would like to thank all the parents who have spoken to us and shared their stories for this series.

Episode 1 – The Impact of Loss on the Family

In this episode we will be talking with Mac about the loss of his daughter Annabel, the different ways people grieve in a family, and in a relationship, and the impact that grief has on those relationships.

Episode 2 – A Sudden Loss

In this episode we speak with Collette about the loss of her daughter Sarah, the experience of a sudden death and her grief journey.

Episode 3 – The Journey Through Treatment and Eventual Loss

In this episode we hear from Jarlath about the loss of his son Cian, and their journey through diagnosis, treatment, loss and grief.

Episode 4 – Loss of Your Only Child

In this episode we will be talking with Catriona about the loss of her daughter Emily, the experience of her grief journey having no surviving children.

Episode 5 – Bereavement by Suicide

In this episode we speak with Larry about the loss of his son Dick, and the experience and impact of bereavement by suicide.

Episode 6 – The Experience of Multiple Losses

In this episode we hear from Kathleen about the loss of her children Grainne, Darragh and Fergal; the experience of multiple losses and her journey in grief.

Episode 7 – Reflections

In this episode we are joined by Brid Carroll, a counsellor and psychotherapist for over 30 years, focusing on bereavement and loss. She works with bereaved parents and children and adolescents who have gone through grief. She is also a bereaved parent herself. As we conclude this series, we want to look at some of the themes that have emerged over the course of our conversations with the parents who have spoken to us, and look at some useful tools and models in grief.

Anam Cara provides information, resources and bereavement support after the death of a child of any age and through all circumstances to all bereaved parents.

Anam Cara have developed innovative online video vignettes to give bereaved mothers and fathers the opportunity to hear an experienced bereavement professional, who is also a bereaved mother, talk about parental grief, the challenges and milestones. Ultimately these Anam Cara resources are about giving recently bereaved parents hope, that they too will find their own unique coping style and resilience to the intense grief that follows the loss of a precious son or daughter.  In 2020 Anam Cara adapted swiftly to Covid 19 in our communities and have moved our support services online. In 2023 we continue to build these online support and resources which now run alongside our Anam Cara Groups. We endeavour to keep you updated on all our activities across the 32 counties via our website www.anamcara.ie

Supporting Parents after Bereavement.

Anam Cara Parent Bereavement understands we don’t live in an ideal world, we live in a world after our precious children have died before their time. Bereaved parents have set up this organisation to help themselves and all bereaved parents cope with their grief and loss and journey on.

Bereaved Parents

Bereaved Parents

It’s so high you can’t get over it, It’s so low you can’t get under it, It’s so wide you can’t get round it, You must go through the gate….

Bereaved Parents

Bereaved Siblings

A Feature Article by a Bereaved Sibling Grieving the loss of a Sibling When the death of a child and sibling…

Bereaved Parents

Video Resources

Watch informative videos with the stories from bereaved parents coping with their grief and loss and the journey on…

eMessages in aid of Anam Cara


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